Tuesday 29 November 2011

New Phone!!

I'm finally a smartphone user yay! It's a long story but I have one hehe. I'm happy not only because it's a good phone but also because I can talk to my friends all over the world for free! :) I hope I don't get too addicted to it but technology is very beneficial at the moment!!!

Sunday 27 November 2011

Group meetings

We feel lazy to go to group meetings, especially when they are really late at night or they are on the weekend. And it is also very hard to find where to start the work. If a meeting is not the first meeting (where the group members usually split the work and dismiss), it gets longer and longer most of the time. Sometimes we get distracted and sometimes we complain. However, meeting the people in your groups and spending time with them are precious! Be happy and let's get the work done efficiently yay:)

Thursday 24 November 2011


     So I got distracted while trying to read for marketing (of course) and read an article about cool technology. There are a guitar with a tablet installed instead of strings and a touch screen DJ emulator. This is a new Korean boy band called "Red Apple"(LOL). Some people said that these instruments have been out for years, but I still found them amusing and surprising (also found the band's name very amusing...). 
I like how cool technology can be but hope it does not go too far where some "stuff" becomes smarter than us and takes over humans (I perhaps watched too many movies..hehe)....

Tuesday 15 November 2011


I am so sad that I have lost my self-control for months...
I know what, how, and why I have to work hard but it's just my laziness that keeps me away from all the work that I have to do.

Now that I have realized that I am not doing work, I could start studying now!
However, my stupidity drags me into the meaningless TV shows, videos and procrastination again..

There is nothing to blame on anymore. I should start working NOW.

Friday 21 October 2011


October = My birthday


October = 5 midterms
October = 2 presentations
October = uncountable assignments


October = BAD.

Go away October. I cannot wait for you to come, November!

Sunday 9 October 2011

It's near you!

Something that is beautiful and valuable is not far from you.
Don't try to find it from far!

Montreal sure is a delightful city!

Wednesday 5 October 2011

school school school

University moves on FAST.
Fast meaning getting the final exam schedule before even taking my first midterm exam!!!
Although I feel like I have so much going on, I'm excited to have winter break longer than 3 weeks:)